MARGARET MASCARENHAS is a novelist, independent curator, consulting
editor, and op ed columnist. She is the author of the diasporic novel, Skin, published by Penguin India (2001);
in French translation by Mercure de France (2002); in Portuguese translation by Editora Replicacao (2006). Now republished
by Broadway Books in association with Goa 1556. She is also the author of the novel, The Disappearance of Irene Dos
Santos (Grand Central, Hachette 2010) and of the pspoken work poetry/flash and sketch collection Triage--casualties of
love and sex (Harper Collins 2013), and is working on her third novel, Just Another Car Bomb (working title)
as well as on collections of her columns and short stories. Her non-fiction has been published in Coloquio Letras, the literary
magazine of the Gulbenkian Foundation. She is a regular contributor to Urban Voice, published by Frog Books.
An American citizen
of Goan origin who grew up in Venezuela, she currently lives in Goa and is the founding Director the Blue Shores
Prison Art Project.
Her agent is Ellen
Levine (Trident Media Group, 41 Madison Avenue, 36th Floor NY, NY 10010)
The Disappearance of Irene Dos Santos; a Barnes and Noble Discover pick
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American Booksellers Association/Review by Linda Bubon, page 11
Publishers Weekly/ Review
New Statesman review
ANAW Indie Pick
The Front Table; the web magazine of Seminary Co-op Bookstores. Review by Joan Hives
Powerful Latinas--April 2010 recommendations. By Marcela Landres
Want to get in touch? You can send her
e-mail at:
m_masc2004 (at)